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Directed Bitterness of Soul Equals Freedom


Hannah from the Bible desperately wanted a child.

To her this dilemma was not a catastrophe that was mild.

She had none.

All she wanted was a son.

She was full of gloom.

The Lord closed her womb.

Why would God do this to her.

A holy desperation in her he wanted to stir.

In our lives, God sometimes allows roadblocks

To see if we have faith—locked doors a person unlocks.

Directed bitterness of soul that is what God wants in us.

I will ride that bus.

Hannah went to the temple to weep and fast.

God's test she had passed.

For out of bitterness in her soul.

She was crying out to be whole.

She wept and prayed in her head.

Eli the priest thought she was drunk-he was led.

He ordered that she get rid of her wine.

He thought she could not walk in a straight line.

Not so said she.

She was a deeply moved woman was her plea.

Eli told her that her granted was her heart's desire.

After hearing this—her emotions soared higher.

Nine months Samuel was given birth.

A man who led people mightily to God, was his worth.

A worth far more than gold.

What was on God's heart is what he told.

Not one word from Samuel fell to the ground.

His teaching and leadership ability was sound.

God would never would have accept

Hannah's prayer if she never wept.

We have to push through

Until our lives are no longer blue.

Sometimes, you can't skip crying.

To receive God given dreams that seems to be dying.

Let us flood our beds with tears.

To bring God given desires and happy years.

Blessed are us who mourn.

God's desires will be born.

Kevin Mast

March 22, 2017

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